Life accounts of notable scientists and engineers
Life accounts of notable scientists and engineers
Babbage, Charles (1792–1871)
Babbitt, Isaac (1799–1862)
Babcock, George Herman (1832–1893)
Babcock, Harold Delos (1882–1968)
Babcock, Stephen Moulton (1843–1931)
Bachelard, Gaston (1884–1962)
Backus, John Warner (1924–2007)
Bacon, Francis (1561–1626)
Bacon, Roger (c. 1220–c. 1292)
Badger, Daniel D (1806–1884)
Baekeland, Leo Hendrik (1863–1944)
Baer, Karl Ernst Ritter von (1792–1876)
Baeyer, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von (1835–1917)
Bailey, Charles P(hilamore) (1911–1993)
Bailey, Irving W(idmer) (1884–1967)
Bailey, Liberty Hyde (Jr) (1858–1954)
Baillie, Matthew (1761–1823)
Baillou, Guillaume de (1538–1616)
Baily, Francis (1774–1844)
Bainbridge, Kenneth Tompkins (1904–1996)
Baird, John Logie (1888–1946)
Baird, Spencer Fullerton (1823–1887)
Bajcsy, Ruzena
Baker, Alan (1939– )
Baker, Benjamin (1840–1907)
Baker, Oliver (Edwin) (1883–1949)
Baker, Paul T(hornell) (1927–2007)
Baker, Sara Josephine (1873–1945)
Bakker, Robert T (Bakker, Robert T)
Baldwin, James Mark (1861–1934)
Baldwin, Matthias (William) (1795–1866)
Balfour, Eve (1898–1990)
Balfour, Francis Maitland (1851–1882)
Balint, Michael (1896–1970)
Ball, C(harles) Olin (1893–1970)
Ball, Robert Stawell (1840–1913)
Balmer, Johann Jakob (1825–1898)
Baltes, Paul B (1939–2006)
Baltimore, David (1938– )
Bancroft, Wilder Dwight (1867–1953)
Bandelier, Adolph (Francis Alphonse) (1840–1914)
Bandura, Albert (1925– )
Banfield, Jillian F.
Banks, Joseph (1743–1820)
Banneker, Benjamin (1731–1806)
Banting, Frederick Grant (1891–1941)
Banu Musa (Banu Musa)
Bárány, Robert (1876–1936)
Barbosa, José Celso (1857–1921)
Barcroft, Joseph (1872–1947)
Bard, John (1716–1799)
Bard, Samuel (1742–1821)
Bardeen, John (1908–1991)
Bargmann, Cornelia
Barish, Barry (Clark) (1936– )
Barkla, Charles Glover (1877–1944)
Barlow, Peter (1776–1862)
Barlow, Thomas (1845–1945)
Barnard, Christiaan Neethling (1922–2001)
Barnard, Edward Emerson (1857–1923)
Barnes, Albert Coombs (1872–1951)
Barnsley, Michael (Barnsley, Michael)
Barr, Murray Llewellyn (1908–1995)
Barrett, William Fletcher (1844–1925)
Barrow, Isaac (1630–1677)
Barry, John Wolfe (1836–1918)
Barthez, Paul Joseph (1734–1806)
Bartholin, Thomas (1616–1680)
Bartholinus, Kaspar (1585–1629)
Bartlett, Frederic Charles (1886–1969)
Bartlett, Neil (1932–2008)
Barton, Benjamin Smith (1766–1815)
Barton, Derek Harold Richard (1918–1998)
Bartram, John (1699–1777)
Bartram, William (1739–1823)
Bartsch, Paul (1871–1960)
Baruch, Simon (1840–1921)
Bascom, Florence (1862–1945)
Basov, Nikolai Gennadievich (1922–2001)
Bass, (Mary) Elizabeth (1876–1956)
Bass, George (Fletcher) (1932– )
Bassi, Agostino (1773–1856)
Bassi, Laura (1711–1778)
Bateman, John Frederic La Trobe (1810–1889)
Bates, Daisy May (1863–1951)
Bates, H(enry) W(alter) (1825–1892)
Bateson, Gregory (1904–1980)
Bateson, William (1861–1926)
Bauer, Ferdinand Lucas (1760–1826)
Bauer, Franz Andreas (1758–1840)
Bauhin, Gaspard Casper (1560–1624)
Bauhin, Jean (1541–1613)
Bax, Adriaan (1956– )
Baxter, George (1804–1867)
Bayer, Johann (1572–1625)
Bayes, Thomas (1702–1761)
Bayley, Nancy (1899–1994)
Bayliss, William Maddock (1860–1924)
Bayne-Jones, Stanhope (1888–1970)
Beach, Moses Yale (1800–1868)
Beadle, George Wells (1903–1989)
Beadle, Tatum, and Lederberg, George Wells Beadle (1903–1989), Edward Lawrie Tatum (1909–1975), and Joshua Lederberg (1925–2008) (1925–2008)
Beattie, John Hugh Marshall (1915–1990)
Beaufort, Francis (1774–1857)
Beaumont, William (1785–1853)
Beazley, John Davidson (1885–1970)
Beck, Aaron T(emkin) (1921– )
Beck, Adam (1857–1925)
Beck, Lewis Caleb (1798–1853)
Beckman, Arnold Orville (1900–2004)
Becquerel, (Antoine) Henri (1852–1908)
Becquerel, Antoine César (1788–1878)
Bednorz, Johannes Georg (1950– )
Beebe, (Charles) William (1877–1962)
Beech, Walter (Herschel) (1891–1950)
Beers, Clifford (Whittingham) (1876–1943)
Behring, Emil (Adolph von) (1854–1917)
Beijerinck, Martinus Willem (1851–1931)
Beilby, George (Thomas) (1854–1924)
Beilstein, Friedrich Konrad (1838–1907)
Bejan, Adrian
Békésy, Georg von (1899–1972)
Bell Burnell, (Susan) Jocelyn (1943– )
Bell, Alexander Graham (1847–1922)
Bell, Charles (1774–1842)
Bell, Chester Gordon (1934– )
Bell, Henry (1767–1830)
Bell, John (physicist) (1928–1990)
Bell, John (scientist) (1763–1820)
Bell, Joseph (1837–1911)
Bell, Patrick (1799–1869)
Bellanca, Giuseppe Mario (1886–1960)
Bellhouse, Brian (1936–2017)
Bellini, Laurentio (1643–1703)
Belon, Pierre (1517–1564)
Beltrami, Eugenio (1835–1899)
Benacerraf, Baruj (1920–2011)
Bender, Lauretta (1897–1987)
Benedek, Therese (1892–1977)
Benedict, Ruth (1887–1948)
Benioff, (Victor) Hugo (1899–1968)
Bennett, Hugh Hammond (1881–1960)
Bennett, John Hughes (1812–1875)
Bennett, John W(illiam) (1915–2005)
Bennett, Willard Harrison (1903–1987)
Bentham, George (1800–1884)
Bentley, Wilson (Alwyn) (1865–1931)
Benz, Karl (Friedrich) (1844–1929)
Berg, Paul (1926– )
Berger, Hans (1873–1941)
Bergius, Friedrich Karl Rudolf (1884–1949)
Bergmann, Peter G(abriel) (1915–2002)
Bergström, Sune Karl (1916–2004)
Berliner, Emile (1851–1929)
Bernal, John Desmond (1901–1971)
Bernard, Claude (1813–1878)
Bernard, Louis (1737–1816)
Bernays, Paul (Isaak) (1888–1977)
Berne, Eric (Lennard) (1910–1970)
Berner, Robert A.
Berners-Lee, Timothy (1955– )
Bernoulli, Daniel (1700–1782)
Bernoulli, Jacques (Jakob) 1654–1705 and Jean (Johann) (1667–1748)
Bernoulli, Jakob (1654–1705)
Bernoulli, Johann (1667–1748)
Bernstein, Jeremy (1929– )
Berry, Clifford (1918–1963)
Berry, Edward Wilber (1875–1954)
Bert, Paul (1833–1886)
Berthelot, Pierre Eugène Marcellin (1827–1907)
Berthollet, Claude Louis (1748–1822)
Berthoud, Ferdinand (1727–1807)
Berzelius, Jöns Jakob (1779–1848)
Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm (1784–1846)
Bessemer, Henry (1813–1898)
Best, Charles H(erbert) (1899–1978)
Bethe, Hans Albrecht (1906–2005)
Bettelheim, Bruno (1903–1990)
Betti, Enrico (1823–1892)
Betzig, (Robert) Eric (1960– )
Beutler, Bruce A(lan) (1957– )
Bevan, Arthur Dean (1851–1943)
Bezos, Jeff (1964– )
Bhabha, Homi Jehangir (1909–1966)
Bichat, Marie François Xavier (1771–1802)
Bickford, William (1774–1834)
Biela, Wilhelm (1782–1856)
Biffen, Rowland Harry (1874–1949)
Bigelow, Erastus Brigham (1814–1879)
Bigelow, Henry B(ryant) (1879–1967)
Biggs, Hermann M (1859–1923)
Billings, John Shaw (1838–1913)
Billroth, Christian Albert Theodor (1829–1894)
Binet, Alfred (1857–1911)
Binford, Lewis R(oberts) (1930–2011)
Binnie, Alexander Richardson (1839–1917)
Binnig, Gerd (1947– )
Biondo, Flavio (1392–1463)
Biot, Jean Baptiste (1774–1862)
Birch, (Albert) Francis (1903–1992)
Bird, Adrian Peter (1947– )
Bird, Junius (Bouton) (1907–1982)
Birdseye, Clarence (1886–1956)
Biringuccio, Vannoccio (1480–c. 1539)
Birkhoff, George David (1884–1944)
Biró, Lazlo (1900–1985)
Bishop, (John) Michael (1936– )
Bishop, Errett (1928–1983)
Bitter, Francis (1902–1967)
Bjerknes, Jacob (Aall Bonnevie) (1897–1975)
Bjerknes, Vilhelm Firman Koren (1862–1951)
Bjorken, James D (1934– )
Black, Davidson (1884–1934)
Black, Harold Stephen (1898–1983)
Black, James Whyte (1924–2010)
Black, Joseph (1728–1799)
Black, Max (1909–1988)
Blackburn, Elizabeth H(elen) (1948– )
Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart (1897–1974)
Blacking, John Anthony Randoll (1928–1990)
Blackman, Frederick Frost (1866–1947)
Blackwell, Elizabeth (1821–1910)
Blackwell, Emily (1826–1910)
Blaeu, Willem Janszoon (1571–1638)
Blair, Robert (surgeon) (died 1828)
Blakemore, Colin (Brian) (1944– )
Blakeslee, Albert Francis (1874–1954)
Blalock, Alfred (1899–1964)
Blanchard, Thomas (1788–1864)
Blegen, Carl (William) (1887–1971)
Blenkinsop, John (1783–1831)
Blewett, John P(aul) (1910–2000)
Blobel, Günter (1936–2018)
Bloch, Felix (1905–1983)
Bloch, Konrad Emil (1912–2000)
Bloch, Marcus Eliezer (c. 1723–1799)
Bloembergen, Nicolaas (1920–2017)
Bluford, Guion Stewart, Jr (1942– )
Blumberg, Baruch S(amuel) (1925–2011)
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich (1752–1840)
Boas, Franz (1858–1942)
Bode, Johann Elert (1749–1826)
Bodmer, Walter Fred (1936– )
Boerhaave, Hermann (1668–1738)
Bogardus, James (1800–1874)
Bogorad, Lawrence (1921–2003)
Bohannan, Paul J(ames) (1920–2007)
Bohm, David Joseph (1917–1992)
Bohr, Aage Niels (1922–2009)
Bohr, Mottelson, and Rainwater, Aage Niels Bohr (1922–2009), Ben Roy Mottelson (1926– ) and (Leo) James Rainwater (1917–1986) (1917–1986)
Bohr, Niels Henrik David (1885–1962)
Bok, Bart J(an) (1906–1992)
Boksenberg, Alexander (1936– )
Bolt, Bruce A(lan) (1930–2005)
Boltwood, Bertram (1870–1927)
Boltzmann, Ludwig Eduard (1844–1906)
Bolyai (Bolyai)
Bolyai, (Farkas) Wolfgang (1775–1856)
Bolyai, János (1802–1860)
Bolzano, Bernardus Placidus Johann Nepomuk (1781–1848)
Bombelli, Raffaele (c. 1526–1573)
Bond, George Phillips (1825–1865)
Bond, William Cranch (1789–1859)
Bondi, Hermann (1919–2005)
Bonner, J(ohn) T(yler) (1920– )
Bonner, James (Frederick) (1910–1996)
Bonnet, Charles (1720–1793)
Bonnier, Gaston (1853–1922)
Bonpland, Aime Jacques Alexandre (1773–1858)
Boole, George (1815–1864)
Booth, Hubert Cecil (1871–1955)
Borda, Jean Charles de (1733–1799)
Bordaz, Jacques (1926– )
Borden, Gail (1801–1874)
Bordet, Jules Jean Baptiste Vincent (1870–1961)
Borel, Emile Félix-Edouard-Justin (1871–1956)
Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso (1608–1679)
Born, Max (1882–1970)
Borucki, William J.
Bosch, Carl (1874–1940)
Boscovich, Ruggero Giuseppe (1711–1787)
Bose, Jagadis Chunder (1858–1937)
Bose, Satyendra Nath (1894–1974)
Boss, Lewis (1846–1912)
Bothe, Walther Wilhelm Georg (1891–1957)
Bouch, Thomas (1822–1880)
Boucher de Crèvecoeur de Perthes, Jacques (1788–1868)
Boucot, Arthur James (1924–2017)
Bouillaud, Jean Baptiste (1796–1881)
Boulton, Matthew (1728–1809)
Bourbaki, Nicolas (Bourbaki, Nicolas)
Bourdon, Eugène (1808–1884)
Boveri, Theodor Heinrich (1862–1915)
Bovet, Daniel (1907–1992)
Bowden, Frank Philip (1903–1968)
Bowditch, Nathaniel (1773–1838)
Bowen, Ira Sprague (1898–1973)
Bowen, Norman Levi (1887–1956)
Bowersock, Glen (Warren) (1936– )
Bowie, William (1872–1940)
Bowlby, (Edward) John (Mostyn) (1907–1990)
Bowman, William (1816–1892)
Boyden, Uriah (Atherton) (1804–1879)
Boyer, Paul D(elos) (1918–2018)
Boyle, Robert (1627–1691)
Boyle, Willard S(terling) (1924–2011)
Boylston, Zabdiel (1679–1766)
Boys, Charles Vernon (1855–1944)
Bradley, James (1693–1762)
Bradley, Milton (1836–1911)
Bragg, (William) Lawrence (1890–1971)
Bragg, William Henry (1862–1942)
Bragg, William Henry (1862–1942) and (William) Lawrence (1890–1971)
Brahe, Tycho (1546–1601)
Braid, James (1795–1860)
Brain, Walter Russell (1895–1966)
Brainard, Daniel (1812–1866)
Braithwaite, John (1797–1870)
Bramah, Joseph (1748–1814)
Branly, Edouard Eugène Désiré (1844–1940)
Brashear, John Alfred (1840–1920)
Brattain, Walter Houser (1902–1987)
Brauer, Richard (Dagobert) (1901–1977)
Braun, Emma Lucy (1889–1971)
Braun, Karl Ferdinand (1850–1918)
Braun, Wernher von (Braun, Wernher von)
Brauner, Bohuslav (1855–1935)
Breckinridge, Mary (1881–1965)
Bredig, Georg (1868–1944)
Breit, Gregory (1899–1981)
Breitkopf, Johann Gottlob Immanuel (1719–1794)
Brenner, Sydney (1927– )
Breuer, Josef (1842–1925)
Brewster, David (1781–1868)
Bricklin, Dan (1951– )
Bridges, Calvin B (Blackman) (1889–1938)
Bridgman, Percy Williams (1882–1961)
Briggs, Henry (1561–1630)
Briggs, Robert William (1911–1983)
Briggs, Winslow R(ussell) (1928– )
Bright, Charles Tilston (1832–1888)
Bright, Richard (1789–1858)
Brillouin, Leon N (Nicholas) (1889–1969)
Brindley, James (1716–1772)
Brinell, Johan August (1849–1925)
Brinkley, John (1763–1835)
Brinton, Daniel Garrison (1837–1899)
Brisson, Mathurin Jacques (1723–1806)
Britton, Nathaniel Lord (1859–1934)
Broadbent, William Henry (1835–1907)
Broca, Pierre Paul (1824–1880)
Brockhouse, Bertram Neville (1918–2003)
Brodie, Benjamin Collins (1783–1862)
Broecker, Wallace S(mith) (1931– )
Broglie, (Louis César Victor) Maurice de (1875–1960)
Broglie, Louis Victor Pierre Raymond de (1892–1987)
Brongniart, Alexandre (1770–1847)
Bronowski, Jacob (1908–1974)
Brønsted, Johannes Nicolaus (1879–1947)
Brooke, John Mercer (1826–1906)
Brooks, Alfred (Hulse) (1871–1924)
Brothers, Joyce (born Joyce Diane Bauer) (1927–2013)
Brouncker, William (1620–1684)
Brouwer, Luitzen Egbertus Jan (1881–1966)
Brower, David (Ross) (1912–2000)
Brower, Lincoln P(ierson) (1931–2018)
Brown, Donald D(avid) (1931– )
Brown, Ernest William (1866–1938)
Brown, Herbert Charles (1912–2004)
Brown, John (1735–1788)
Brown, Lester (1934– )
Brown, Michael Stuart (1941– )
Brown, Ralph (Hall) (1898–1948)
Brown, Robert (1773–1858)
Brown, Robert Hanbury (1916–2002)
Browning, John Moses (1855–1926)
Bruce, David (1855–1931)
Bruch, Hilde (1904–1984)
Brugsch, Karl Heinrich (1827–1894)
Brunel, Isambard Kingdom (1806–1859)
Brunel, Marc Isambard (1769–1849)
Bruner, Jerome S(eymour) (1915–2016)
Brunfels, Otto (1489–1534)
Brunnow, Franz Friedrich Ernst (1821–1891)
Brunton, Thomas Lauder (1844–1916)
Brus, Louis E.
Bryson, Reid A (Allen) (1920–2008)
Buchan, Alexander (1829–1907)
Bucher, Walter H (Herman) (1888–1965)
Buchner, Eduard (1860–1917)
Büchner, Friedrich Karl Christian Ludwig (1824–1899)
Buck, Lafferto (1837–1900)
Buck, Linda (1947– )
Buckland, Francis Trevelyan (1826–1880)
Buckland, William (1784–1856)
Bucknill, John Charles (1817–1897)
Budd, William (1811–1880)
Budge, Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis (1857–1934)
Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc (1707–1788)
Bühler, Charlotte (Bertha) (1893–1974)
Bullard, Edward Crisp (1907–1980)
Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm (1811–1899)
Bunzel, Ruth Leah (1898–1990)
Burali-Forti, Cesare (1861–1931)
Burbank, Luther (1849–1926)
Burbidge, (Eleanor) Margaret (1919–2010)
Burbidge, Geoffrey (1925–2010)
Burbidge, Geoffrey (1925–2010) and (Eleanor) Margaret (born Peachey) (1919– ) (1919– )
Burdon-Sanderson, John Scott (1828–1905)
Bürgi, Jost (1552–1632)
Burkitt, Denis Parsons (1911–1993)
Burnell, Jocelyn Bell (Burnell, Jocelyn Bell)
Burnet, (Frank) Macfarlane (1899–1985)
Burnside, William (1852–1927)
Burroughs, William Seward (1855–1898)
Burt, Cyril Lodowic (1883–1971)
Bush, Vannevar (1890–1974)
Bushnell, Nolan (1943– )
Butenandt, Adolf Friedrich Johann (1903–1995)
Buys-Ballot, Christoph (1817–1890)
Byerly, Perry (Edward) (1897–1978)
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