Life accounts of notable scientists and engineers
Life accounts of notable scientists and engineers
Daimler, Gottlieb Wilhelm (1834–1900)
Dale, Henry Hallett (1875–1968)
Dalén, Nils Gustav (1869–1937)
Dalgarno, Alexander (1928–2015)
Dalgarno, Alexander
Dall, William Healey (1845–1927)
Dalton, John (1766–1844)
Daly, Reginald Aldworth (1871–1957)
Dam, Carl Peter Henrik (1895–1976)
Damadian, Raymond Vahan (1936– )
Dana, James Dwight (1813–1895)
Dancer, John Benjamin (1812–1887)
Dandy, Walter Edward (1886–1946)
Daniell, John Frederic (1790–1845)
Danielli, James Frederic (1911–1984)
Dantzig, George Bernard (1914–2005)
Darboux, Jean Gaston (1842–1917)
Darby, Abraham (1677–1717)
Dart, Raymond Arthur (1893–1988)
Darwin, Charles Robert (1809–1882)
Darwin, Erasmus (1731–1802)
Darwin, Francis (1848–1925)
Daubechies, Ingrid
Daubenton, Louis Jean Marie (1716–1799)
Daudin, François Marie (1774–1804)
Dausset, Jean Baptiste Gadriel Joachim (1916–2009)
David, Armand (1826–1900)
Davidson, George (1825–1911)
Davis, Daisie (Adelle) (1904–1974)
Davis, Nathan Smith (1817–1904)
Davis, Raymond, Jr (1914–2006)
Davis, William Morris (1850–1934)
Davisson, Clinton Joseph (1881–1958)
Davy, Humphry (1778–1829)
Dawkins, (Clinton) Richard (1941– )
Dawson of Penn, Bertrand Edward (1864–1945)
Dawson, John Myrick (1930–2001)
De Bary, Heinrich Anton (1831–1888)
De Beer, Gavin Rylands (1899–1972)
de Broglie (de Broglie)
de Chauliac, Guy (c. 1298–1368)
De Forest, Lee (1873–1961)
de Gennes, Pierre-Gilles (1932–2007)
De Havilland, Geoffrey (1882–1965)
De la Beche, Henry Thomas (1796–1855)
de la Rue, Warren (1815–1889)
de Laval, Carl Gustaf Patrik (1845–1913)
de Moivre, Abraham (de Moivre, Abraham)
De Morgan, Augustus (1806–1871)
de Sitter, Willem (1872–1934)
De Vaucouleurs, Gerard Henri (1918–1995)
Debye, Peter Joseph Willem (1884–1966)
Dedekind, (Julius Wilhelm) Richard (1831–1916)
DeGolyer, Everette Lee (1886–1965)
Dehmelt, Hans G (1922–2017)
Dehn, Max Wilhelm (1878–1952)
Deisenhofer, Johann (1943– )
Dekker, Cornelis (1959– )
Delambre, Jean-Baptiste Joseph (1749–1822)
Delaunay, Charles Eugène (1816–1872)
Delbrück, Max (1906–1981)
DeLee, Joseph Bolivar (1869–1942)
Dell, Michael (1965– )
DeLorean, John Zachary (1925–2005)
Democritus (c. 460–c.370 BC)
Dempster, A(rthur) J(effrey) (1886–1950)
Descartes, René (1596–1650)
Deslandres, Henri Alexandre (1853–1948)
Desmarest, Nicolas (1725–1815)
Désormes, Charles Bernard (1777–1862)
Dethier, Vincent Gaston (1915–1993)
Dewar, James (1842–1923)
Dewey, John Frederick (1937– )
Dick, Gladys Rowena (1881–1963)
Dicke, Robert Henry (1916–1997)
Dicksee, Cedric Bernard (1888–1981)
Dickson, Leonard Eugene (1874–1957)
Dieffenbach, Johann Friedrich (1792–1847)
Diels, Otto Paul Hermann (1876–1954)
Diesel, Rudolf Christian Karl (1853–1913)
Dietz, Robert Sinclair (1914–1995)
Dillenius, Johann Jacob (1687–1747)
Diophantus (lived c. AD 270–280)
Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice (1902–1984)
Dirichlet, (Peter Gustav) Lejeune (1805–1859)
Ditmars, Raymond Lee (1876–1942)
Dixon, Henry Horatio (1869–1953)
Djerassi, Carl (1923–2015)
Döbereiner, Johann Wolfgang (1780–1849)
Dobzhansky, Theodosius (1900–1975)
Dock, Lavinia Lloyd (1858–1956)
Dodds, (Edward) Charles (1899–1973)
Dodge, Horace Elgin (1865–1920)
Dodge, John Francis (1864–1920)
Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge (1832–1898)
Dodoens, Rembert (1517–1585)
Doherty, Peter C(harles) (1940– )
Doisy, Edward Adelbert (1893–1986)
Dolby, Raymond (Milton) (1933–2013)
Doll, (William) Richard Shaboe (1912–2005)
Dollfus, Audouin (Charles) (1924–2010)
Domagk, Gerhard (1895–1964)
Donald, Ian (1910–1987)
Donati, Giovanni Battista (1826–1873)
Donders, Franciscus Cornelius (1818–1889)
Donkin, Bryan (1768–1855)
Donnelly, Russell James (1930– )
Doppler, Christian Johann (1803–1853)
Dornier, Claude (1884–1969)
Dorr, John Van Nostrand (1872–1962)
Dorrance, John Thompson (1873–1930)
Douglas, David (1798–1834)
Douglas, Donald Wills, Sr (1892–1981)
Douglass, Andrew Ellicott (1867–1962)
Dow, Henry Herbert (1866–1930)
Drake, Charles Lum (1924–1997)
Drake, Edwin Laurentine (1819–1880)
Drake, Frank Donald (1930– )
Draper, Charles Stark (1901–1987)
Draper, Henry (1837–1882)
Draper, John William (1811–1882)
Drebbel, Cornelis (1572–1633)
Dresselhaus, Mildred S.
Drew, Charles Richard (1904–1950)
Dreyer, John Louis Emil (1852–1926)
Dreyse, Johann Nikolaus von (1787–1867)
Driesch, Hans Adolf Eduard (1867–1941)
Drummond, Thomas (1797–1840)
Dryden, Hugh Latimer (1898–1966)
Du Bois-Reymond, Emil Heinrich (1818–1896)
du Pont, E(leuthère) I(rénée) (1771–1834)
Du Toit, Alexander Logie (1878–1948)
Du Vigneaud, Vincent (1901–1978)
Duane, William (1872–1935)
Dublin, Louis Israel (1882–1969)
Dubochet, Jacques (1942– )
Dubois, (Marie) Eugène (François Thomas) (1858–1940)
Dubos, René Jules (1901–1982)
Duchenne, Guillaume Benjamin Armand (1806–1875)
Duesenberg, Fred(erick Samuel) (1877–1932)
Duhem, Pierre (1861–1916)
Dulbecco, Renato (1914–2012)
Dulong, Pierre Louis (1785–1838)
Dumas, Jean Baptiste André (1800–1884)
DuMont, Allen Balcom (1901–1966)
Dunbar, Helen Flanders (1902–1959)
Dunbar, William (1749–1810)
Dunham, Ethel Collins (1882–1969)
Dunlop, John Boyd (1840–1921)
Dunn, L(eslie) C(larence) (1893–1974)
Dupuy de Lôme, Stanislas Charles Henri Laurent (1816–1885)
Dupuytren, Guillaume, Baron Dupuytren (1777–1835)
Duryea, Charles Edgar (1861–1938)
Duryea, J(ames) Frank (1869–1967)
Dutrochet, (Rene Joachim) Henri (1776–1847)
Dutton, Clarence Edward (1841–1912)
Duve, Christian René de (1917–2013)
Duwez, Pol (1907–1984)
Dyson, Frank Watson (1868–1939)
Dziewonski, Adam Marian (1936–2016)
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