Life accounts of notable scientists and engineers
Life accounts of notable scientists and engineers
Tabor, David (1913–2005)
Tagliacozzi, Gaspare (1546–1599)
Tait, Peter Guthrie (1831–1901)
Takamine, Jokichi (1854–1922)
Talbot, William Henry Fox (1800–1877)
Talwar, Gursaran Prasad (1926– )
Tamm, Igor Yevgenyevich (1895–1971)
Tanaka, Koichi (1959– )
Tansley, Arthur George (1871–1955)
Tarski, Alfred (1901–1983)
Tartaglia (c. 1499–1557)
Tatum, Edward Lawrie (1909–1975)
Taube, Henry (1915–2005)
Taussig, Helen Brooke (1898–1986)
Tauxe, Lisa
Taylor, Brook (1685–1731)
Taylor, Joseph H (1941– )
Taylor, Lucy Beaman (1833–1910)
Taylor, Richard E (1929–2018)
Tebbutt, John (1834–1916)
Telford, Thomas (1757–1834)
Teller, Edward (1908–2003)
Temin, Howard Martin (1934–1994)
Tereshkova, Valentina Vladimirovna (1937– )
Terman, Frederick E(mmons) (1900–1982)
Terry, Eli (1772–1852)
Terzaghi, Karl (1868–1963)
Tesla, Nikola (1856–1943)
Thales (c. 624–c. 547 BC)
Theiler, Max (1899–1972)
Theodoric of Freiburg (c. 1250–1310)
Theon of Smyrna (lived c. AD 130)
Theophrastus (c. 372–c. 287 BC)
Theorell, Axel H(ugo) T(heodor) (1903–1982)
Thimann, Kenneth Vivian (1904–1997)
Thom, René Frédéric (1923–2002)
Thomas, E Donnall (1920–2012)
Thomas, Hugh Owen (1834–1891)
Thomas, Lewis (1913–1993)
Thomas, Seth (1785–1859)
Thomas, Sidney Gilchrist (1850–1885)
Thompson, Benjamin (Thompson, Benjamin)
Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth (1860–1948)
Thompson, Kenneth L (1943– )
Thompson, Lonnie G. and Mosley-Thompson, Ellen Stone
Thompson, Samuel (1769–1843)
Thoms, William John (1803–1885)
Thomsen, Christian (Jürgensen) (1788–1865)
Thomson, Charles Wyville (1830–1882)
Thomson, Elihu (1853–1937)
Thomson, George Paget (1892–1975)
Thomson, J(oseph) J(ohn) (1856–1940)
Thomson, James (1822–1892)
Thomson, John Arthur (1861–1933)
Thomson, William (Thomson, William)
Thorne, Kip (Stephen) (1940– )
Thornthwaite, Charles (Warren) (1899–1963)
Thornton, Janet (1949– )
Thouless, David James (1934– )
Thunberg, Carl Peter (1743–1828)
Tilden, William Augustus (1842–1926)
Timoshenko, Step(h)an Prokofyevich (1878–1972)
Tinbergen, Niko(laas) (1907–1988)
Ting, Samuel Chao Chung (1936– )
Tiselius, Arne Wilhelm Kaurin (1902–1971)
Tishler, Max (1906–1989)
Tisserand, François Felix (1845–1896)
Tizard, Henry Thomas (1885–1959)
Tjian, Robert (Tse Nan) (1949– )
Todd, Alexander Robertus (1907–1997)
Todhunter, Isaac (1820–1884)
Tolansky, Samuel (1907–1973)
Tombaugh, Clyde William (1906–1997)
Tomonaga, Sin-Itiro (1906–1979)
Tonegawa, Susumu (1939– )
Torrey, John (1796–1873)
Torricelli, Evangelista (1608–1647)
Torvalds, Linus (1969– )
Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de (1656–1708)
Townes, Charles Hard (1915–2015)
Townsend, John Sealy Edward (1868–1957)
Toynbee, Joseph (1815–1866)
Tradescant, John (1570–c. 1638)
Tradescant, John (1570–1638) and John (1608–1662) (1608–1662)
Traube, Ludwig (1818–1876)
Travers, Morris William (1872–1961)
Trésaguet, Pierre-Marie-Jérôme (1716–1796)
Treves, Frederick (1853–1923)
Trevithick, Richard (1771–1833)
Trousseau, Armand (1801–1867)
Trudeau, Edward Livingston (1848–1915)
Trumbore, Susan
Trumpler, Robert Julius (1886–1956)
Tsien, Roger (1952–2016)
Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin Eduardovich (1857–1935)
Tsui, Daniel (Chee) (1939– )
Tswett, Mikhail Semyonovich (1872–1919)
Tu, Youyou (1930– )
Tuan, Yi-Fu (1930– )
Tuckerman, Edward (1817–1886)
Tull, Jethro (1674–1741)
Turekian, Karl K(arekin) (1927–2013)
Turing, Alan Mathison (1912–1954)
Turner, Charles Henry (1867–1923)
Turner-Warwick, Margaret Elizabeth Harvey (1924–2017)
Tuttle, Merlin D(evere) (1941– )
Twitty, Victor C(handler) (1901–1967)
Twort, Frederick William (1877–1950)
Tyndall, John (1820–1893)
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